Privacy Shield Policy

Aera Technology, Inc. (“Aera Technology”) complies with the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework and the Swiss – U.S. Privacy Shield Framework set forth by the United States Department of Commerce with respect to the collection, use and retention of personal data transferred from the European Economic Area (“EEA”) and Switzerland to the United States as further described in the scope section below. This Privacy Shield Policy outlines our commitment to the Privacy Shield Principles (the “Principles”) and our practices for implementing the Principles. If there is any conflict between the terms in this Privacy Shield Policy and the Privacy Shield Principles, the Privacy Shield Principles shall govern. Aera Technology’s Privacy Shield certification can be found here. To learn more about the Privacy Shield Framework, please visit the Department of Commerce’s dedicated Privacy Shield website, located here.


Aera Technology commits to comply with the principles with respect to the personal data the company receives from its customers or their users in the EEA and Switzerland in connection with the use of (I) applications downloaded to a user’s mobile device (“Mobile Applications”); and (ii) Aera Technology’s hosted software applications (the “Subscription Service”) and related support services (“Support Services”), as well as expert services (including professional services, training and certification) (the “Expert Services”) that we provide to customers. In this Privacy Shield Policy, the Subscription Service, Support Services and the Expert Services are collectively referred to as the “Service.”


For the purposes of this Privacy Policy:

“Controller” means a person or organization which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data.

“Customer” means any entity that purchases the Service.

“Customer Data” means the electronic data uploaded into the Subscription Service by or for a customer or its users.

“Device” means a mobile device.

“Personal Data” means any information, including sensitive data, that is (I) about an identified or identifiable individual and (ii) received by Aera Technology in the U.S. from the EEA or Switzerland in connection with the Service.

“Processor” means any natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body that processes personal data on behalf of a Controller.

“Sensitive Data” means personal data specifying medical or health conditions, racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, sex life, the commission or alleged commission of any offense, any proceedings for any offense committed or alleged to have been committed by the individual or the disposal of such proceedings, or the sentence of any court in such proceedings.

“User” means an individual authorized by customer to access and use the Subscription Service.

Types of Personal Data Collected

Aera Technology hosts and processes customer data, including any personal data contained therein, at the direction of and pursuant to the instructions of Aera Technology’s customers. Aera Technology also collects several types of information from our customers, including:

In addition, Aera Technology collects general information about its customers, including a customer’s company name and address, credit card information, and the customer representative’s contact information (“General Information”) for billing and contracting purposes.

Purposes of Collection and Use

Aera Technology may use personal data submitted by our customers and users as necessary to provide the Service and mobile applications, including updating, enhancing, securing and maintaining the Subscription Service and mobile applications and to carry out Aera Technology’s contractual obligations to its customers. Aera Technology also obtains general information in connection with providing the Service and maintaining Aera Technology’s relationships with its customers.

Third-Party Disclosures

We may disclose personal data that our customers and users provide to our Service and mobile applications: