How to Print Labels from Excel Spreadsheet: A Step-by-Step Guide

Organizing and printing labels from an Excel spreadsheet is a breeze once you know the steps. Whether you’re preparing for a mailing campaign or just want to keep things tidy, you can do this task quickly and efficiently. Here’s a quick overview: You’ll need to create your label data in Excel, format it properly, and then use a word processing tool like Microsoft Word to import the data and print it out.

Step-by-Step Tutorial: How to Print Labels from an Excel Spreadsheet

This tutorial will guide you step-by-step on how to print labels from an Excel spreadsheet, starting from organizing your data to printing your labels.

Step 1: Prepare Your Excel Spreadsheet

Make sure your Excel spreadsheet is organized with clear column headers.

In your spreadsheet, each column should represent one piece of information, such as the recipient’s name, address, city, state, and zip code. Having clear headers like "Name" and "Address" will make it easier to import into your label template later.

Step 2: Open Microsoft Word

Launch Microsoft Word and create a new document.

Word will be your tool for importing the data from Excel and formatting it into labels. Open a blank document to get started.

Step 3: Start the Mail Merge

Go to the Mailings tab and select ‘Start Mail Merge’.

Under the Mailings tab, choose ‘Start Mail Merge’ and then ‘Labels’. A dialog box will open where you can select the label type and size that matches your label sheets.

Step 4: Select Recipients

Choose ‘Select Recipients’ and then ‘Use an Existing List’.

When you click ‘Use an Existing List’, you’ll be prompted to browse and select your Excel spreadsheet. Make sure to select the correct sheet if your workbook has multiple sheets.

Step 5: Insert Merge Fields

Insert the merge fields into your label template.

Click ‘Insert Merge Field’ and choose the fields you want to appear on your labels, like Name, Address, etc. Arrange them in the order you want them to appear on the label.

Step 6: Preview and Complete the Merge

Preview your labels and complete the merge.

Click ‘Preview Results’ to see how your labels will look. If everything looks good, go back to the Mailings tab and click ‘Finish & Merge’. You can choose to print your labels directly or edit individual labels if needed.

After completing these steps, you’ll be ready to print your labels. Your labels will be formatted according to the data in your Excel spreadsheet, and you can print them out on your label sheets.

Tips for Printing Labels from an Excel Spreadsheet

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use Google Sheets instead of Excel?

Yes, you can use Google Sheets. Export your Google Sheet as an Excel file (.xlsx) and then follow the same steps in Word.

What if my labels aren’t aligning correctly?

Check your label type and size in the Mail Merge settings in Word. Make sure they match your physical label sheets.

Can I add images to my labels?

Yes, you can insert images in your Word template. Just make sure to position them correctly before completing the merge.

How do I handle large data sets?

For large data sets, break them into smaller chunks and perform multiple mail merges. This avoids overwhelming Word and your printer.

Can I customize the font and style of my labels?

Absolutely. Customize the font, size, and style in Word as you would for any document. Apply these settings before completing the merge.


  1. Prepare your Excel spreadsheet.
  2. Open Microsoft Word.
  3. Start the Mail Merge.
  4. Select Recipients.
  5. Insert Merge Fields.
  6. Preview and Complete the Merge.


Printing labels from an Excel spreadsheet is a task that, once mastered, will save you countless hours and headaches. By organizing your data and following these straightforward steps, you can ensure that your labels are accurate and professional-looking. It’s a skill that can come in handy in various scenarios, from personal organization to business operations.

If you’re new to this process, take it step-by-step and don’t rush. Practice makes perfect, and soon enough, you’ll be printing labels like a pro. For more detailed instructions, consider checking out additional resources or tutorials online. Happy labeling!

Matt Jacobs has been working as an IT consultant for small businesses since receiving his Master’s degree in 2003. While he still does some consulting work, his primary focus now is on creating technology support content for

His work can be found on many websites and focuses on topics such as Microsoft Office, Apple devices, Android devices, Photoshop, and more.