Current Fee Schedules

The City Council-adopted new UDC (Unified Development Code) will go into effect on June 5, 2023. Pursuant to new language, some fees will be adjusted to be reflective of removed and new applications. Note that adjusted fees will have to be approved by the City Council and Staff is scheduled to present on May 8 (City Council Work Session) and May 23 (City Council Regular Meeting). Documents that will be presented to the City Council will be available online prior to hearings. Any approved fee adjustments will be posted on this page after City Council review.

What are Citywide Development Impact (CDI) Fees?

Beginning January 1, 2023, any NEW Development Plan, Use Variance, or Conditional Use submitted for review will be subject to Citywide Development Impact (CDI) fees. This new fee will be utilized for Police and Fire Department capital needs, established as a Police and Fire Impact Fee, and will be applied to all residential and non-residential development and redevelopment City-wide. Fees will be calculated during the review process and due at the time of Building Permit, adjusted annually for construction inflation. Questions? Please call 719-385-5905 or email

Fee Schedules

Planning Department

Engineering Development Review (EDR)

Fire Department