Marine Mammal Protection Act Policies, Guidance, and Regulations

The Marine Mammal Protection Act enacted in 1972 established a national policy to prevent marine mammals from declining beyond the point where they ceased to be significant function elements of the ecosystems of which they are a part.

Table of Contents

The Marine Mammal Protection Act was enacted on October 21, 1972. The MMPA established a national policy to prevent marine mammal species and population stocks from declining beyond the point where they ceased to be significant functioning elements of the ecosystems of which they are a part.

Three federal entities share responsibility for implementing the MMPA:

The following is a list of the policies, guidance, and regulations we use to administer the MMPA.

Distinguishing Serious from Non-Serious Injury of Marine Mammals

Policies, Guidance, or Regulation

Title Date Document
Policy for Distinguishing Serious from Non-Serious Injury of Marine Mammals 2022 PDF, 4 pages
Process for Injury Determination Distinguishing Serious from Non-Serious Injury of Marine Mammals 2023 PDF, 55 pages
Notice of Availability of National Policy 2012 77 FR 3233
Responses to Public Comments on Draft Policy 2012 PDF, 52 pages
Report of the Serious Injury Technical Workshop 10-13 September 2007, Seattle, Washington (NOAA Technical Memo NMFS-OPR-39) 2008 PDF, 108 pages
Differentiating serious and non-serious injury of marine mammals taken incidental to commercial fishing operations report of the serious injury workshop, 1-2 April 1997, Silver Spring, Maryland (NOAA Technical Memo NMFS-OPR-13) 1998 PDF, 53 pages

Stock Assessment Reports

Guidelines for Assessing Marine Mammal Stock Assessment Reports (GAMMS)

Guidelines for Assessing Marine Mammal Stocks: Report of the GAMMS III Workshop, February 15-18, 2011, La Jolla, California (NOAA Tech Memo NMFS-OPR-47)

Negligible Impact Determinations

Title Date Document
Criteria for Determining Negligible Impact under MMPA Section 101(a)(5)(E) 2020 PDF, 20 pages

Stranding Response and Marine Mammal Health

Policies and Best Practices for Marine Mammal Stranding Response, Rehabilitation, and Release

Title Date Document
NMFS Standards for Rehabilitation Facilities (2022 Revision) 2022 PDF, 50 pages
Standards for Rehabilitation Facilities (2009 Original) 2009 PDF, 73 pages
Standards for Release of Marine Mammals Following Rehabilitation (2022 Revision) 2022 PDF, 65 pages
Standards for Release (2009 Original) 2009 PDF, 114 pages
Stranding Agreement and Stranding Agreement Criteria (2022 Revision) 2022 PDF, 93 pages
Evaluation Criteria and National Template for Marine Mammal Stranding Agreements (2009 Original) 2009 PDF, 55 pages
Live and Dead Large Whale Emergency Response Best Practices 2022 PDF, 136 pages
Small Cetacean Intervention Best Practices 2022 PDF, 54 pages
Cetacean Mass Stranding Best Practices 2022 PDF, 65 pages
Marine Mammal Euthanasia Best Practices 2022 PDF, 47 pages
Cetacean and Pinniped Transport Best Practices 2022 PDF, 56 pages
Marine Mammal Carcass Disposal Best Practices 2022 PDF, 33 pages
Dwarf and Pygmy Sperm Whale (Kogia Spp.) Best Practices 2022 PDF, 30 pages

Policies and Best Practices for Marine Mammal Entanglement Response

Title Date Document
Large Whale Entanglement Response Best Practices 2022 PDF, 332 pages
Small Cetacean Entanglement Response Best Practices 2022 PDF, 115 pages
Pinniped Entanglement Response Best Practices 2022 PDF, 183 pages

Implementing Regulations

Title Date Document
Regulations Governing the Taking and Importing of Marine Mammals various 50 CFR 216