Data as Easy as 1-2-3

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By Anita Young, Ph.D., and Carol Kaffenberger, Ph.D. | September 2018

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Data is vital to support optimal student achievement and social/emotional outcomes for all students. Therefore, comprehensive school counseling programs should begin and end with the continuous cycle of using data to optimize data-driven decision outcomes.

  1. What is your goal? (Design)
  2. How will you achieve it? (Ask)
  3. How will you analyze the data? (Track)
  4. How will you use your results? (Announce)

Once you have your data results, it’s important to share them with administration, school boards and other stakeholders. Sharing program success is one of the best ways to protect your job and ensure that you’re allowed to focus on appropriate duties. (See report sample below.)

Whether you work in a rural, urban or suburban environment, and whatever your level, you can use data and the MDW process to identify gaps and promote student success. Using data doesn’t need to be complicated; rather, it is the only option to drive optimal student outcomes.

Anita Young, Ph.D., is an associate professor at Johns Hopkins University and can be reached at Carol Kaffenberger, Ph.D., is professor emerita, George Mason University, and adjunct faculty, Johns Hopkins University. She can be reached at

Using ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors to Develop a Survey

Step 1: Identify a program SMART goal.

For example: By the end of the school year, seventh-graders with a GPA of 2.0 or lower in the first grading period will increase their GPA by 0.7.

Step 2: Assess students’ identified needs. What issues or barriers are they experiencing? What do you want to accomplish with them? How can you reduce barriers?

For example: Are these students often tardy? Are poor study skills contributing to school failure, or are their beliefs and attitudes about school the issue? Deciding which of these issues you want to address will determine your goals for your intervention.

Step 3: Identify up to three ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors reflecting what you hope to accomplish with your students.

For example: The purpose of your intervention will be helping students understand the importance of school, building their academic skill capacity and engaging them in the learning process.

For example: You want to change attitudes toward attending and being successful in school and increase knowledge about how to be an effective student and how to complete work on time.

For example: Respond to the statements below on a scale from 1 to 4, where 1 = strongly disagree and 4 = strongly agree.

Review of school data shows a group of 20 students have one or more D’s/F’s after the first quarter. This pattern has been repeated for the last two years. Individual conferences with students and parents have had minimal effect.

SMART Goal: Seventh-grade students with one or more D’s/F’s in a core class at the end of the first quarter will have 40 percent fewer D/F grades in core courses by the end of the second quarter.

In this issue